Things I Might Like To Be If I Decide To Grow Up

I opted for marriage instead of college. I have no regrets about choosing marriage, but I wish I had made time for college as well. Lately I’ve been thinking about taking a few online courses. With that, I’ve been reminded why I didn’t go to college in the first place: I have too many interests and I can’t narrow it down to just one!

1. Chef. I love food! I love to cook! In the words of Lorelai Gilmore, “I’m Ina Garten and Mario Batalli’s love child.” I’ve dreamed of owning my own restaurant for a very long time now. Plus I’d like to kick Bobby Flay’s butt on Iron Chef America.

2. Meteorologist. Weather fascinates me. I want to chase a tornado. And let me just tell you how I’d like to be on the east coast watching Irene roll in!

3. High School History Teacher. I love history but not other people’s children.

4. Historian. That’s better. No children involved. And maybe I could get on the History Channel!

5. Movie Critic. LOVE movies. And I want people to love the movies I love. The critics out there now always give bad reviews on the movies I love. To them I say “plllllllllbt” 😛

Or… I could just combine 4 and 5 and become a Hollywood Historian. I do love classic movies, tv and radio shows… Watch out Robert Osborne, Ben Mankiewicz and Greg Bell. Your TCM and Radio Spirits hosting days may be numbered!

 6. Pirate. The Disney kind, not the Somalian kind. There aren’t enough Captain Jack Sparrow’s in the world.

7. Zoologist. I love animals. I want to work in a zoo or animal habitat where I can play with baby tigers all the time instead of just once-in-a-very-blue-moon.

8. Marine Biologist. Love me some sea mammals! Wouldn’t it be awesome to track marine life? Especially sea lions!

9. Christopher Moore. Well, maybe not Christopher Moore himself, but an equally incredible, witty author.

10. Photographer. Who doesn’t enjoy a professional picture of something beautiful? I’d like to learn how to capture my own beautiful moments instead of paying someone else to capture them for me.

These are just the top ten floating in my brain at the moment. There are so many more! See my dilemma?